Gerard Nienhuis
What was the challenge?
The province of Overijssel has to submit all groundwater level data to the Dutch Authentic Registration for Subsurface ( BRO ) before 1 July 2022. Some measurement time series start as early as 1935. There are over 70 million measurements.
What was the approach?
All data has been provided to IntellinQ. IntellinQ imports and validates the data in GeolinQ. IntellinQ made a platform configuration. After a number of successful test deliveries to the BRO ‘bronhouderportaal’. Now all groundwater levels automatically delivered to the production environment of the ‘bronhouderportaal’. Once the data is delivered the BRO, it can then be used by everyone.
What was the outcome?
An automated delivery to the production environment of the ‘bronhouderportaal’ is started in mid-May. End of May all groundwater data was delivered to the BRO.